
Our Approach

“Our approach is grounded in the entrepreneurial perspective. We use that perspective, combined with our engineering training, to unlock the power that products and platforms have in the marketplace.”

 - Susan Loconto Penta

At MIDIOR, we treat the start of each engagement as the beginning of an engineering problem waiting to be solved. Since we are engineers by training, we naturally have a disciplined, methodical approach to each project. We also assume that we don't know anything, other than what questions to ask first. Whether we are conducting a management consulting project or providing a technology service, we pride ourselves on being non-referential - meaning we are comfortable working with new ideas and new concepts which is a necessity when thinking about complex technologies, products, services or markets. We also abide by a few key tenets:

The devil is in the details.

We believe in facts and facts are responsible for the accuracy of our results. Every problem (or situation or system) is comprised of many underlying questions and components, and we insist on taking things apart, down to the smallest pieces, and putting them back together again (without too many parts left over!) so that we understand the challenge. Delving into the details is tedious and time consuming and many find it to be too much work. But at MIDIOR, we believe that the real answers are grounded in the details and that the only way we can provide value to our clients is to master those details. By taking a deep dive, we can often provide a perspective that no single individual in the client organization can provide.

Always start by learning from people.

We try to jumpstart each engagement, by holding “discovery” sessions – a fancy term for talking to people! These are sometimes formal but often informal, and allow us to probe every aspect of the problem we are tackling. Sometimes this means we hold in-depth interviews across far-flung geographies, allowing us to understand the regional and localized dimensions to the facts but it always means we talk with individuals who cross organizational boundaries – from developers, to sales people, support staff to customers.

Construct a hypothesis and try to disprove it.

From hands-on analysis, we are able to construct our own hypothesis about what's going on. As any trained engineer will tell you, the next step is to try to prove or disprove our hypothesis. To do this, we start to look for facts and we construct an experiment to validate our assumptions. We gather facts through hands-on testing – of the product, service or technology, and by more talking - talking to customers, talking to competitors, talking to sales people, talking to anyone who might have something to contribute. 

Deliver honest results based on hard facts.

When we deliver our results, we have more than an opinion. We've got the facts and a set of actionable recommendations. We also have a reputation for being "candid" in our assessments. Sometimes the truth hurts, but we know that not every product initiative or development effort is going to deliver the expected value. In fact, the odds are against it. So from our perspective, it is better to know that sooner than later. If we conclude that your product is incomplete for your target market - we can tell you why, and what it would take to make it complete. If we conclude that your platforms cost too much - we'll tell you by how much. 

Finally, we practice what we preach. If you are solely looking for a slide deck or a binder that goes thump, MIDIOR is not the firm to call. Think of us as “special ops”, the team you can call when the only way to achieve the result is by doing the work. If you are prepared to hear the facts about your product, your project or your process and are ready to take the next step, we’re ready to tackle your next problem. Are you ready for our help?

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