The impacts of the coronavirus are significant, regardless of location or vocation, company or community, age or gender. We find ourselves marveling at our clients as they do their very best to keep delivering on their promises to customers, members and stakeholders, even as many are considered “non-essential.” At MIDIOR, the nature of our work (consulting and technology services) and the location of our clients has necessitated virtual work for quite some time. We also find ourselves in the fortunate position of having made recent investments in the processes, platforms and training that enable a truly remote work environment. That said, we could not have imagined our current situation where we test the limits of what we can do virtually every single day.
For many of our consulting clients, developing and managing products and services against a backdrop of COVID-19 is challenging to say the least. In some cases, the impact is minimal because the product or service is already offered electronically. In others, teams have been able to pivot their offerings so that customers can realize some or all of their value with virtual delivery. Thankfully, humans are adaptable creatures. For many product teams, however, the exploding stress from not being able to deliver short-term results while staring into an unknown future can be debilitating.
In order to keep your product organization functional and aligned while addressing the stress that we are all feeling, perhaps it is time to accept that the new normal has arrived, rather than waiting for things to go back to the way they were. As product teams, it is not our job to look back and be nostalgic for the past. Rather, we are on the hook to interpret the changes as a signal that it’s time to take a step back, open our plans and revisit our assumptions. From how daily work gets done, to the definition of roles and hiring criteria, to the basics of our product development processes and how our supply chain, distribution, deployment and delivery work, many things may stay the same, but much should probably change. Now is the time to revisit everything and rather than throw prior plans out the window or simply push back all of the dates by six months, product teams should spend time revisiting every assumption, including those previously taken for granted. Be sure to go far and wide on the various scenarios you explore and open up the dialogue to new ideas, completely different ways of operating and changing up your organization as needed. Once you have your scenarios, review marketing programs and sales targets in light of your revised assumptions in order to create realistic financial projections for each possible scenario.
Problems spark innovation. Challenge creates opportunity. But risk is mitigated with focused attention and solid scenario planning so that teams are prepared to make informed decisions as the landscape shifts and new information becomes available. I encourage you all to support your product teams as they reconsider the current state and redefine their products’ futures. You will know you are done when each product manager and program lead can answer the question “if this, then what?” with tangible, actionable steps and a sensible set of numbers. I cannot overstate the importance of this work at this time. Use the current situation as an impetus to open everything back up for scrubbing, scrutiny, quantification and realignment.
Lastly, for anyone reading this that has someone in their circle that is on the front lines, please say an extra thanks from us. And for everyone else holding it together in the background, no matter how, remember we all have a role to play in our community’s recovery.
Start unleashing the power of your products and platforms today.
MIDIOR is a professional services firm offering consulting, technology and data services that unleash the power of your products and platforms.
(617) 864-8813
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